Jose' In My Meditation

Good Morning Friends!

A few months ago I went to an Elevated Event at my church  ⛪ where I received my prayer language!! Some of you may think this is weird or strange, BUT God gives you ALL different gifts! 
This morning during my Bible studies, prayer, meditation and prayer languages I heard over and over Jose', Jose', Jose'.  Well, if any of you know me, I am very curious. Very much about the details of things.  I want to know what, where, when, how and what if! So I started looking up what the meaning of Jose' is.  
I had just been reading in Genesis the past few days.  God has revealed much in this 1st book of the Bible.  I read the NIV version, my favorite. He showed me today the story of Abram and Sarai and how He wanted to bless their family, make his nation great and be a blessing for all.  
How God made a covenant with Abram and said, "Do not be afraid Abram, I AM YOUR SHIELD, your very great reward."  He promised Abram a child at 99 years old! And then changed their names to Abraham and Sarah! Abraham walked with God. 
So I am tuning in to our great Father God this morning and this Jose', Jose', Jose' keeps repeating over and over. I decided to start investigating as you know I am going to do!! Well, guess what I found out?!?
Jose' is the English transliteration of the Hebrew and Aramaic name Yose, which is etymologically linked to Yosef or Joseph.  The name was popular during the Mishnaic and Talmudic periods.
Origin of the name Jose': Spanish form of Joseph, an Ecclesiastic Late Latin form of the Greek loseph, which is from the Hebrew yosef. (may he add, God shall add).
Joseph- Son of Hebrew Patriarch Jacob; foster FATHER OF JESUS.  The source of the name is Hebrew Yosef, which means Yo (GOD) + Sef (ADD).  Thus the name means, "GOD SHALL ADD".  The Bible provides this meaning in the following Biblical reference: Genesis 30:24 And she called his name Joseph; and said, The LORD shall ADD TO ME another son.
This is exactly what God did for Abraham and Sarah! He added to them a son that would make an impact for generations! How wonderful is it that God was talking to me this morning in a language that I did not understand and he sooo showed out for me!  Every thing I prayed for this morning God added at the end of my prayers, GOD SHALL ADD to me.  What ever I ask for, believe for and beyond whatever I can think, GOD SHALL ADD TO ME!! Yay!! Isn't this so powerful? God is so good ALL the time. If you didn't believe before, take a good look at this! How can you not? ⇧


  1. Beautiful, I had no idea about that connection! May God "Jose" unto us all with his love!


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