
Showing posts from 2019

Tent Of Meeting

Over this past Easter week millions of people are mourning the loss of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, a Paris historical church over 850 years old.  Not all was burned and destroyed.  The cross still stands! The Virgin Mary statue holding Jesus was unharmed by the fire.  Many artifacts remained untouched by the flames of that fire.   This miraculous and tragic event has had me thinking of Biblical events like Easter. This is the celebratory Easter week that Christians remember Christ Jesus dying on the cross, rising again and saving us all from sin for those that believe in Him.  I look at the pictures of the fire of the great Notre-Dame Cathedral and see the before, during and after shots of something truly miraculous. There were many people that built this amazing church. Over 800 years ago! Replacing the roof beams alone will be such a feat because there are no trees that big to replace the beams in all of Paris! Imagine what Paris must have been like o

What Is My Dream?

Someone once told me that when I was a cross country runner 🏃that I could finish a race in the top four, if I believed in myself. I had always finished last. I didn’t believe that I could. Nobody had ever pushed me, told me that I could or believed in me before. I found it interesting that out of nowhere this  team mate believed in me. So I set out to prove that he was right. I finished third that day, unsuspecting of my prior beliefs! So I sure did finish in the top four! Wow! I had not known before that I could do it! And I did! Did you know that the human potential of the mind is limitless? When allowed to process and think “in tune” and geared positively by our thoughts, we can achieve anything our heart’s💜desire.   It’s like the story of Buzzy The Bumblebee 🐝by Denise Brennan-Nelson. The bumblebee doesn’t have the structure to be able to fly, but because it thinks it can , so it does. In my own experience, life lessons have taught me what is possible .  Here are

The Secret Room

The Secret Room. The room no one person knew about. God showed me this place. It was my place to retreat, retract, and have a sense of peace around me in a dark world. But God. But God showed me His light in the darkness. He showed me a way, The way. It was in that warm dark room that I could feel safe. I had it all to myself. It was warm and dry and dark. SOOO dark. It was in the ceiling of the basement behind the wood stove. It was behind the kitchen. So I could still hear what was going on upstairs. So I knew when I could emerge from the safety of that place. God helped me find a place that protected me from having to go outside in frigid temperatures. He helped me know that His voice was with me even as a young woman. He helped me in the storm of the beginnings of my life. You see BEGINNINGS is key here. This story is just a story. But GOD. He made a way for me. He made a way when it was bleak for me. He showed me today that this beginning was a story He is us


It's not just in the #forgiveness of the Earthly family that hurt me, but in the gratitude for it. Learning that being grateful in it launches me higher! Allows  me to help others heal. Being that conduit for healing energy, heals us both in the process.  I am No Shrinking Violet. I will not stand in the sidelines with a broken heart. I am not alone. God is at the throne! He is my deliverer! I am faithful to my God. He is Holy! He is with me. I am in His safe arms. I have this voice to tell the story that, it is not just forgiving them, but I have gratitude in those lessons.  I use God's Great healing energy to help heal others, giving my 1% back. This "story" helps me to heal others with this pain. If I had not had that past history I could not share! I am grateful for the healing in Jesus' arms!  Thank you Jesus for helping me to Let It Go.  Like the firewalk experience, when walking on a bed of 1700 degree coals, it can be like going to the fridge to g

Jose' In My Meditation

Good Morning Friends! A few months ago I went to an Elevated Event at my church  ⛪ where I received my prayer language!! Some of you may think this is weird or strange, BUT God gives you ALL different gifts!  This morning during my Bible studies, prayer, meditation and prayer languages I heard over and over Jose', Jose', Jose'.  Well, if any of you know me, I am very curious. Very much about the details of things.  I want to know what, where, when, how and what if! So I started looking up what the meaning of Jose' is.   I had just been reading in Genesis the past few days.  God has revealed much in this 1st book of the Bible.  I read the NIV version, my favorite. He showed me today the story of Abram and Sarai and how He wanted to bless their family, make his nation great and be a blessing for all.   How God made a covenant with Abram and said, "Do not be afraid Abram, I AM YOUR SHIELD, your very great reward."  He promised Abram a child at 99 yea