The Secret Room

The Secret Room. The room no one person knew about. God showed me this place. It was my place to retreat, retract, and have a sense of peace around me in a dark world. But God. But God showed me His light in the darkness. He showed me a way, The way. It was in that warm dark room that I could feel safe. I had it all to myself. It was warm and dry and dark. SOOO dark. It was in the ceiling of the basement behind the wood stove. It was behind the kitchen. So I could still hear what was going on upstairs. So I knew when I could emerge from the safety of that place. God helped me find a place that protected me from having to go outside in frigid temperatures. He helped me know that His voice was with me even as a young woman. He helped me in the storm of the beginnings of my life. You see BEGINNINGS is key here. This story is just a story. But GOD. He made a way for me. He made a way when it was bleak for me. He showed me today that this beginning was a story He is us...